Feed D Need (Non Profit)
Good day Sir/Madam
I would like to introduce you to Feed D Need, non profit organization located on the 1st floor of the Pennywise building on Charlotte st, Port of Spain, Trinidad.
We have been operating since March 27th 2017.
It is unbelievable, the number of persons who are living without the basic necessities of life right here in this beautiful twin island republic of Trinidad & Tobago.
We would like to do our part in alleviating this problem. Our goal is to assist persons who are having difficulties in meeting their basic needs, mainly food stuff.
We would greatly appreciate your support and we are asking if you would donate at least 1 box of groceries per month to our organization. It would really go a long way and would also ensure that we can definitely assist individuals & families on a monthly basis until they can get back on their feet.
If you are unable to do so you can donate via PayPal, by going to our website below and clicking the donate button.
Canned foods, oil, peanut butter, rice, sugar, flour, macaroni, pack soup, quaker oats, powder soap, toilet paper, toothpaste etc.
Through the kind donation of one of our 1st donors Trinre Insurance, we were able to assist multiple persons, we trust that you would help us to impact lives all over this country.
Thank you for your kind consideration.
Sherwin Castillo
General Manager
Feed D Need
Website https://feed-d-need.jimdosite.com
Call/WhatsApp us ->(868) 473-0550 or email feeddneed@my.com